Perspectives On Soils
What Is Biodynamics?
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Water is essential to life on earth. In ancient times water was considered to be the link between the material and the spiritual, regarded as a conscious substance. Today, water is increasingly cut...
Filling cow horns will fresh cow manure is one of the preparations in biodynamic agriculture as indicated by Rudolf Steiner during his 1924 lecture series, intended to bring a spiritual foundation to...
Soil is essential to life. Civilisations have risen and fallen based on the fertility and health of their soil. In the modern world, we are prone to neglecting our soil, we don't treat it with the...
I am starting a two year biodynamics course, I want to document everything that I learn, so I can share it with other interested in biodynamic farming and gardening. In the last few years I have...
I was looking through an old half-broken laptop, and came across something that I had written over 6 years ago, when I was 21 years old. Prior to any knowledge of biodynamics. Reading it back it...
In the biodynamic calendar, there are root, flower, leaf, and fruit days. Vegetables and fruits have been cultivated by humans for thousands of years to give us the variety of vegetables that we have...