Growing The Land Growing People

Group 1 Accredited Units

Unit 1: Prepare And Present A Genius Loci Audit Of A Holding – Published – Signed Off

Unit 2: Apply The Principals Of Biodynamic Soil Science – Published – Signed Off

Unit 3: Understanding Plants From A Biodynamic Perspective – Published – Being Checked, Almost Signed Off

Unit 4 & 5: Understanding Animals From A Biodynamic Perspective – Published – Unit 4 – Signed Off, Unit 5 – Signed Off

Unit 6: Use Tools, Equipment and Machinery On A Biodynamic Farm – Almost Signed Off

Unit 7: The Farm Organism, Biodiversity and Environmental Accountability – Published – Signed off

Unit 8 – Monitor And Record Weather On A Biodynamic Holding – Waiting to be marked

Unit 9: Produce And Apply Biodynamic Preparations – Published – Signed Off

Unit 10: The Impact Of Rhythms And Force On A Biodynamic Farm – Published – Signed off

Unit 11: The Therapeutic And Developmental Benefits Of Practical Skills On A Biodynamic Holding – Published – Signed Off

Unit 12: Food And Nutrition From A Biodynamic Perspective – PublishedSigned off

Unit 13: Holistic Support And Care – PublishedSigned Off

Unit 14: Research Project Arising Out Of Daily PracticeSigned Off

Group 2 Accredited Units

Unit 16: Leadership And Management Of Horticultural Production In Biodynamic PracticeSigned Off

Group 3 Custom Units

Unit C1: Human Development – Published

Unit C2: Spiritual Science -Published

Unit C3: Water – Published

Unit C4: Biodynamic Weed And Pest Control – Published

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