Walking a Swarm of Bees into Their New Hive

After catching a swarm of bees a couple of days ago, it was time to put them in their new home. I had to build a scaffold to get them into the entrance of the bee hive in the wall. They quickly figure out where the entrance is and soon move together.

Inside the hive is some spare drawn-out wax frames, and a little frame of honey.

The nature of this observation hive will make it difficult to support the bees, as the only access is from inside a building. There is a glass observation window, but any inference or support from a beekeeper will be difficult.

It was a late swarm, but of a good size that would be needed to fill such a large hive. Hopefully, the weather over the next month will allow them to gather everything they need, as they will need to start thinking ahead to winter.

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